General Info

RICE: Rewards Imagined by Community of Editors

RICE is a community feedback event made by editors, for editors.
The categories & the videos that apply to them are decided through voting during the event by the participants.
That means the only people who vote, review, and judge entries are the editors who submitted something to it.

You must be a verified member of the server to participate in RICE.
If you are not already in the server, you can click here to join.

The Basics

  • RICE is an annual event with the same dates every year. Video submissions open in January with a deadline of 1 February. The event is completed in the first week of March.
  • Meant for BentoVid regulars, not the general public (although there is no membership age requirement)
  • Takes place on Discord
  • Blind submission and review
  • Use any medium as a source (live-action, animation, etc.)
  • Up to 2 video submissions accepted
  • Video duration must be between 0:30 and 5:30
  • Submitted videos must be SFW
  • Everyone encouraged to review all submissions (feedback and/or constructive criticism)
  • Award categories decided by peers after seeing all the videos for that year
Can I submit my RICE videos to other contests before RICE is over?

Your video cannot be unblinded before 4 March.
This means your video cannot be shown outside RICE with your editor name attached to it before 4 march.

  • If the contest lists finalists or winners online with only the video titles or only the editor names (but not "video title by editor name") then you are good to go.
  • If the contest awards show happens on 4 March or later, you are good to go.
  • If the contest is small/local/obscure and doesn't list your videos (even with your name attached) in a place easily findable by other RICE participants, then use your best judgement.

The spirit of the blind rule is to prevent other RICE participants from knowing you made your submitted videos. If you are reasonably sure other participants won't be able to see that info before 4 March, then go ahead and submit to the other contest.

Part of the advantage of being an event designed for server regulars is the allowance for flexibility in this matter. Use your best judgement and submit in good faith.

2025 Umami

Folklore & the Paranormal

Legends, fables, cryptids, supernatural phenomena, traditions, & myths

The Umami is the theme for that year's RICE.
It is changed every year and is announced at the end of the previous year's RICE Awards video.

Participation in the theme is optional, but it is the only (genre-related) category announced before the event starts.

New for 2025

(Click to reveal)

To give more opportunities for videos to gain feedback, server members can sign up (inside Discord) to become a RICE spectator.
Spectators do not submit videos and they cannot vote.
However, they have full access to Kollab and the RICE discord channels (including voice chats).

Closed captions (soft subtitles) while streaming on Kollab
You may optionally upload a separate SRT or VTT file with your video submission for streaming-supported closed captions.
(See technical considerations.)

Official "extras" support
In prior years, some files get thrown in an "extras" folder. They can be (but are not limited to) alternate versions of video files, side-by-side comparisons, or word documents with detailed source credits.
In 2025, we'll see if officially accepting these additional materials during the submission process supports the feedback goals of RICE.

If you have extra material you believe would help people understand your editing process and give you better feedback, include those files with your video submissions.
The extra materials must still follow the submission rules and retain your anonymity.
Extras are not guaranteed to be viewed by participants and are not eligible for awards.
They are entirely optional to include.

Submit Intent to Participate &/or CW requests (optional)
To sign up as a spectator, press the button in #rice-news

The submission form opens at 12:00am EST (05:00 UTC) January 1, 2025.
All submissions must be received by 12:00pm noon EST (17:00 UTC) on February 1, 2025.
Submit to RICE

If you have any questions, please DM @standardquip (Vars) on Discord.


Video Submission Requirements

  • Blind judging is a central component of RICE, so videos must not identify their editors.

    • The video must not have been seen in an identifiable state by any other participants of the contest, to the best of your knowledge.
    • The video may not be publicly available online until after the RICE awards stream has ended.
      This date varies, but is typically in the 2nd week of March.
    • If there is not a reasonable amount of ambiguity to who edited your video, it will be disqualified from RICE.
    • RICE submissions may be sent to other events ONLY when the editor of the video is not identified until on or after 4 March.
      This includes when the editor + identifying video information appears in text!
  • You must be a verified member of the BentoVid Discord server in order to participate in RICE.
    You become verified by agreeing to the #rules-and-info. If you can send messages in more than one channel, you're verified.

  • Submissions must be at least 30 seconds and no longer than 5 minutes and 30 seconds in length.
    This is a hard limit. Any video that does not fit it in either direction will be rejected.

  • You can submit up to 2 videos.

  • Collaborations between 2 editors are allowed.
    The collaboration counts as 1 video submission for each editor listed. If a video credits more than 2 editors, it will be rejected.

  • All video types and sources are accepted.
    It can be live action, animated, or other. As long as you edited it, you can enter it.

  • Videos should not contain any elements that may identify the copyright holder of the original sources.
    Submissions should not contain subtitles, company logos, TV watermarks, etc., unless they were added by you.

  • Videos must also follow the content restrictions and know of the technical specifications.

    • No porn, realistic gore, general 16+ rating.
    • h264 MP4 is the only format guaranteed to stream properly, submissions over 250MB will be re-compressed, and the awards show will be shown in a particular way that may alter your video.

Content Restrictions

Your video must follow a general "16+" rating or below.
If your video does not meet the specifications listed below, it will be rejected.

RICE content restrictions are stronger than the general server rules. Content that may be posted to #vid-share may not be allowed in RICE.
As RICE is a feedback event, we want all participants to be able and willing to watch and comment on all videos.

  • No porn.
    1. No bare genitals on screen.
    2. Sexual arousal of the viewer should not be the intended effect of coital scenes.
  • No detailed or realistic gore.
    It is considered detailed gore when:
    1. There are visibly detached body parts (such as arms, fingers, teeth, etc., being split from the body).
    2. You can see organs, such as intestines, guts, brains, eyes popping out, etc.
    It is considered realistic gore when:
    1. The art style is life-like or the video source appears so (such as live action or well-rendered 3D models).
    2. The blood (or liquid) contains chunks.
      (Example GIF)GIF from the "Supernatural" show, season 5.
    The gore is NOT realistic or detailed when any of the following are true:
    1. The wounds are hidden or censored (such as covered by clothes)
    2. The blood (or fluid) is a color other than black or red
    3. There is no blood (or fluid) coming from the wound
    4. The scene or action takes place in silhouette
    The gore rules are enforced EXACTLY as they are written.
    Context is NOT taken into account.
    If the gore is not considered realistic or detailed (and falls into the list above), it is exempt from the gore rules.

  • No obscene/harassing lyrics.
    1. No audio sources (e.g. songs, trailers) where sexual acts are the primary theme.
    2. No racial epithets, racial slurs, or hate speech of any kind in lyrics.
    3. Cussing is okay, as long as those words comprise less than approximately 30% of the overall content/words.
    4. Songs with lyrics that do not follow these rules must be cut or otherwise censor the words that do not comply.
  • No videos with malicious intent.
    1. No entry should harass a person or group, online or offline, even if the names are censored.
    2. No entry should be made with the intent to harm (e.g. "bending the rules" or using upsetting content specifically to injure, shock, and/or upset people).
    3. If you can assume many people will want to avoid watching your video because of its subject matter, do not submit it to RICE.

Technical Considerations

  • Submissions must be in mp4 format.
    h264 or x264. Other codecs will not be rejected, but they will not stream properly on the platform we use to view and comment on videos (Kollaborate).
    Most people stream videos to judge and give feedback. Your reviews may suffer if people must download your video to view it.

  • Subtitles and captions
    You can have a caption track inside an mp4 file, which will remain with the file when downloaded, but the only way to show the captions while streaming on Kollaborate is through providing a separate SRT or VTT file.
    If your captions or subtitles cannot be saved to SRT or VTT, consider burning them into your file (hard-sub) to ensure they can be seen while streaming.
    Most people stream videos to judge and give feedback. Take this into account when making your choice.

  • Submissions should be below 250MB.
    If your video is not under this, it will be re-compressed and the original file will be deleted.

    • Limiting your filesize is a courtesy to others. You can use tools like AMVtool, Handbrake, Adobe Media Encoder, etc., to help limit filesize.
    • Please don't hesitate to ask in #editing-help if you'd like assistance in encoding your files.
  • The finalist and award shows are pre-rendered with the following settings:
    This only applies to the finalists and awards shows. During the actual event, your videos remain in their natural state.

    • 23.976 fps
      Submissions not at the framerate will be played at this framerate and may stutter.
    • 1920x1080p
      Submissions that are larger than this will be downscaled.
      Submissions smaller than this will be scaled up to fit as much as possible without cropping.
    • All videos have lower thirds added to them
      The graphics are 155px high and remain on the video through its entire run.
      Submissions with text will be shrunk so the graphic does not cover it.
      Other considerations must be specifically requested in the submission form.

Discussion Rules

In addition to the Server Rules,

  • Please use the Kollaborate comments for anything you want the editor see, especially in-depth critiques.
    They are exported to TXT files at the end of the event.

  • Do not reveal which video(s) you edited.

  • Do not guess who edited which video.

  • When reviewing videos, do not emphasize video quality related to compression.
    We asked for videos under a certain size and many people aren't experienced with compressing to specific file sizes.
    Video quality may be lower than usual because of this.
    Don't discount an otherwise good video due to compression issues.

  • When creating an event, you must state the "theme" in the description or title.
    Anyone is allowed to schedule/host voice chats (VCs) with any theme. Want to host a viewing where no one is allowed to talk? A VC where only positive things are allowed to be said? How about a VC that is a roundtable of feedback?
    You can do it, just make sure you state what it is about before you start.
    All VCs must still follow our rules, which includes any criticism-geared VCs.
    Read our guide on how to give feedback here.

  • Refrain from playful jabs or joke insults.
    What you say affects more than the person you're talking to.
    Even if you think the those jokes are okay between you and the person you're joking with, it can (and often does) give the wrong impression for people who are not in on the joke, are not close to you, and/or are new to the event. Even if your joke may have been fine at another time, during RICE it may be interpreted incorrectly due to the stressful nature of the event. This goes for both voice chats and text chats.

  • You may reveal and/or upload your video publicly ONLY once the RICE award stream ends.
    Inside the RICE-specific Discord channels, there will be a special thread where you can reveal once the final round of voting has completed.
    However, you should not reveal or post the video ANYWHERE ELSE until the stream has ended.
    The exact date of the award stream varies, but is typically within the 2nd week of March.



  • Initial notification of the event, release of the basic rules and info for early motivation.
  • Release of the "Intent to Participate" form.
    • Help RICE predict how many people & videos to expect
    • Submit any subject matter you want RICE submissions to be CWed and/or VPR'd for
    • Alert us to any other accommodations you may need to participate in RICE

1 January

  • RICE Video Submissions open.
  • RICE Discord channels open to the public.

1 February - 12PM EST (17:00 UTC)

  • Video submission deadline.
  • Submissions form is closed.

1 - 4 February
It is a range to give the coordinator time to finalize/certify submissions, give everyone the proper discord roles, etc.
Generally speaking, everything should be available no later than 3 February.

  • Videos become available for participants.
  • Category submission form opens.

The form for submitting initial categories opens as soon as the videos become available to download.

The deadline for submitting initial categories is 15 February.
The form allows you to submit any category - more typical categories like "best drama," custom names for already-suggested categories, and/or your own custom/funny categories. All category submissions are made public in real-time or close to it, so you'll always know what's already been suggested.

15 February
Deadline for the submission of category suggestions.

15 - 17 February
Category finalization voting form opens.

  • All submitted categories are collected with repeats discarded.
  • The coordinator groups similar categories together at their discretion
  • RICE Participants vote on:
    • Which category "groups" should be used for the rest of the event
    • Which category name & description should represent that group

22 February
Deadline for category finalization form submissions.

22 - 23 February

  • Final categories are released/decided.
  • Video nomination form opens.
  • Nominate the finalists for each category.

28 February
Deadline for video nomination form submissions.

28 February - 1 March

  • The list of RICE finalists are released. There are 5 finalists per category.
  • Finalists form opens.
  • Participants vote on:
    • Which finalist video should win each category
    • Which non-finalist video should win The Tamago Don
    • Which category should receive Wandering Samurice
    • When the RICE Awards stream should be aired

A When2Meet is posted to determine the date and time of the RICE awards stream.
It takes place when the largest amount of participants are available.

3 - 4 March

  • Deadline for finalists form submissions.
  • The RICE Awards date/time is announced.
  • A thread for video/editor reveals is made after finalist voting has ended.

2 - 7 days later
The actual date of announcement varies based on the scheduling availability of the entrants.

  • RICE Winners announced!
  • The Wandering Samurice category is revealed.
  • The Umami (theme) for next year is revealed.
  • Editors can upload/show their videos publicly at the end of the awards show.
  • Kollaborate comments are exported to TXT format for editors to download.
  • RICE Winners are DMed asking for their their mailing addresses for physical awards.
  • The event is finally over! :)

The awards are 5x7" (12.7x17.78cm) cards and stickers. They can be mailed globally in an A9-sized envelope and should not be stopped by customs.

RICE In-Depth

The overly verbose description about how RICE works.
Navigate using the menu on the left.
( You DO NOT need to read this to participate in RICE. )

RICE Event History

Lists past RICE event information and downloads.
Use the menu to the left to navigate.