2021 RICE

Umami (Theme)
Mystic Mystique

Editors: 19
Videos: 30

15 Feb - Video submission deadline
6 March - Winners announced

Folder link
Note: Troubleclef & Keiichiface kindly made PSVs for many videos, but unfortunately they were not archived.

Youtube playlists:
Awards Stream | Winners | Participants


  • First RICE ever
  • Did not ask for footage or audio sources
  • Did not have an official Video Infosheet
  • "Wandering Samurice" was called "Wild Prize"
  • "Best in Show" was renamed "Most Best"
  • Theme category was combined with coordinator's choice.
    Entrants voted which videos fit into the theme. From there, the coordinator picked the winner of the theme category. Due to this, there are no finalists for the theme category.
    This became two separate awards the following year.


Best Action
Best Artistic Endeavor
Best Character Profile
Best Drama
Best Sentimental
Wild Prize:
Best Shit's Rough
Best Soft Uwu
Best Vibin'

2021 Participants

Editor Video Title Finalist Winner
Ash Painter's Dream artistic, vibin artistic
Djani I wanna be free
Djani Rest of Us vibin
espressoyourself starryeyes soft
Hamstar Moments sentimental, soft, vibin sentimental
Hamstar Reignited action, most best
Honou Productions (LantisEscudo) Unwarranted Optimism character, shit's rough shit's rough (wild prize)
Katranat Mistical Reflections artistic, vibin
Katranat Reset the System action
keiichiface everything sucks character, most best, shit's rough
keiichiface two sides, same coin character, most best
MiraKayla Murder Mania character
MiraKayla No Man is an Island artistic, drama, most best
Nekokitkat Invisible character, sentimental character
Nekokitkat Sail Away artistic, vibin
Opner Whiplash action, most best action
Rivkah Behind the Second Eyelid character theme (Best Mystic Mystique)
Sceleri My Amlita Fanfic
Sceleri Spike Spiegel Gets The Shit Kicked Out of Him shit's rough
Shizaya Lohengrammilton drama
Shizaya Monster Without a Name
Speedy180 Rise Up action
StarPrincessTally [it is not a bad thing to] UNINSTALL
Synaesthesia Holding On drama, most best, sentimental
TheLazyDaze Rabbit Heartless drama, most best drama, most best
TheLazyDaze Sweetener sentimental, soft soft
Troubleclef Ai Kill Giants shit's rough
Troubleclef Rabbit Rabbit sentimental, soft
vivafringe deep and wild sentimental, vibin vibin
vivafringe liquid ditty artistic