Bot Commands
All bot commands only work in #personal-testing
unless otherwise specified.
will post links to this page.
Report a user to the mods - works in every channel
and fill out the fields.
It must have a 2+ word reason. No one will be able to see that you reported someone except for yourself and the mods.
Also see How to Report or #contact-staff
Set your birthday - also works in event-related channels
/birthday register
If you add your birthday, the bot will announce it in #side-talk
at midnight Eastern Time (UTC-5). The message does not state your age or year you were born.
However, if you add your birth year, it will appear when someone requests the full list or your specific birthday.
You do not have to add your birth year.
Get someone else's birthday
/birthday show
List all birthdays in the server
/birthday list
or go to the #birthday-list
Creating a reminder will work in all channels. Managing reminders will only work in #personal-testing
Using Yag
Personal reminders using a time period
-remind <time> <message>
or /remindme
You must have a message to set a reminder.
Usage is like -remind 5mo3w4d1h30m2s Am I still awake?
The above is 5 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour, 30 minutes, and 2 seconds.
When the time arrives, the bot will ping you in #personal-testing
with your message.
To manage your reminders:
or /reminders
lists all your reminders
-delreminder ####
or /delreminder
where #### is the ID number listed next to the reminder in the reminders
Setting the a
flag to true
in the /delreminder
version of the command will delete all of your reminders
Using Sesh
Public reminders using a specific time
This command will post a public reminder that anyone can subscribe to.
Anyone who subscribed to the reminder will receive a DM with the title
contents at the specified time.
can either be a specific date like 5 october 5pm
or a fuzzy date like in 10 minutes
/remind title datetime
/remind brush your teeth in 10 minutes
/remind contest deadline 5 march 11am
Makes a poll. Can be used in #suggestions
, event-related channels, and/or #personal-testing
There are two /poll
YAGPDB's is more suited for simple questions and can also be called by text command:
-poll "Question Here" "Answer One" "Answer Two"
Sesh's has many additional options and an optional dashboard for even more customization.
Tag System
Tags (previously known as snippets) are pre-formatted messages you can call with simple commands so you don't have to type similar answers every time.
Anyone can create and call tags. Tag authors can edit and delete their own tags. People with the @Tag Wrangler
role can manage all tags, regardless of author. Ask for the role if you want it.
You can call a tag in any channel by ;TagAliasHere
You can see a list of the currently available tags by going to the #tags
channel in the reference section.
Works everywhere, but limit it to #personal-testing
if it's not part of a conversation.
Please note: this returns a list of links. You will have to click it in order to see any search results.
-anime XYZ
Searches AniList & MAL for anime matching XYZ
-manga XYZ
Searches AniList & MAL for manga matching XYZ
-amvorg XYZ
Searches for XYZ in the following ways:
Forums (everything), Forum thread titles only, AMV Quick Search, AMV titles only
-amv XYZ
Searches for XYZ in the following ways:, AMVs, videos, AO3
DMs you a link to a message. You can use it in any channel. Your bot command is deleted approximately 20 seconds after the DM is sent.
-bookmark posturl
e.g. -bookmark
Alternatively, you can simply react to messages with the 🔖 (:bookmark:
) emoji.
You can manage any threads you create the following ways:
1. Add "pinners" (other people who can manage pins in your thread too)
Thread OPs and @Staff
to toggle whether they are a pinner or not:addpinner:
or :removepinner:
to add or remove that person as a pinner- Yag will react to the message with a ✅ (
) if it did what you said - Yag will react with a ❓ (
) if it didn't understand you (check if that person is already a pinner) - Yag will delete its reactions in ~5 seconds
- Anyone can use the
command to list who can manage pins in that thread
2. Add/Remove pins with 📌 (:pushpin:
Pinners and @Staff
- react to add the pin
- unreact to remove the pin
- reply to any message with
to have yag perform that action
3. Sticky messages with 🧲 (:magnet:
Thread OPs and @Staff
- react to a message to make it stick to the bottom of the thread
- unreact to unsticky it
- reply to the original message or the stickied version with
to perform that action
Yag Control
Reacting to any message the YAG bot makes with a 🗑️ (:wastebasket:
) will delete the message. This only works in a few channels, if the message is not pinned, and if the message is only a few minutes or less old.
or -dictionary
will define an english word for you, using
will get the definition from UrbanDictionary
States the current server time and time zone in UTC.
Embed (One-time Tag)
-embed your content here
will put your content here
inside an embed, which allows you to use markdown links.
Can be used anywhere. It will keep your original message in #personal-testing
, but will automatically delete the original message anywhere else (so only the embed stays).
See How to Events instead.
React to any message with ⭐ (:star:
). When any post has 3+ reactions of this type, it will be reposted to the #starboard